Year Ten


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Planned Happenstance
This excerpt (stage 3 of the interview) illustrates the planned happenstance approach which acknowledges the role that chance or the unexpected play in career choice. David can still take action whilst keeping an open mind i.e. preparing for the time when he will need to make a decision by developing certain skills and qualities.
Jo is interested in working with children. The adviser gains permission to explore further and discovers that both confidence and comfort zone affect her decision making. These issues are reflected back and worked with via a variety of methods including reframing and using the imagination.
A Level Student
Jas plans to go to University to study law and become a lawyer. She appears certain of her choice and becomes defensive if she feels her plans are being questioned. The adviser still offers a guidance interview, outlining the potential benefits. Reflection and questioning are used to gently challenge and broaden her outlook.
NEET Review
Over the past few months Hussain has been on a programme involving work tasters and key skills development. This is a review meeting with a new adviser to discuss his progress, Although he's had a number of sessions the adviser still checks that the foundations are in place, recapping the purpose and ground-rules.
Not in Education Employment or Training (NEET)
Hussain has called into the centre without an appointment to ask about benefits. He initially appears resistant to guidance. The main purpose of the session is therefore to build a relationship and begin to understand his story. The adviser avoids the risk of losing Hussain by trying to achieve too much in the first session.
Mother and Daughter
Liz left school a few months ago and has been brought to the centre by her mother. Contracting is a real issue as they argue about her next step. In stage two, Liz's resistance to education and training is explored and, through reflection and questioning, she is encouraged to own the potential consequences of her choice.

Matt is a year away from his exams but has given little thought as to what he will do next. He was referred without an explanation and so doesn’t see the point in being there. This is a short session (30 minutes) but further appointments can be arranged. The main purpose is to engage Matt in a process of exploration, not to establish a clear plan.

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