Creative Goal Setting and Action Planning

This 2 day learning programme will provide imaginative approaches for working with clients and customers who struggle to engage in goal setting and action planning. The pilot for this programme was with practitioners who work with offenders in custody, but the methods are relevant for a wider client and customer base.


To strengthen the setting of longitudinal goals within the action planning process


By the end of the two days delegates will be able to:

  • Evaluate what constitutes an effective goal in an IAG setting
  • Use strategies for increasing ownership and motivation in the action planning process
  • Write quality action plans in line with company quality standards

Practitioners who work with clients and customers who are traditionally ambivalent about setting goals and action planning. The programme is appropriate for fields other than career guidance as it is a generic approach.

Overview of day 1

  • Welcome and introductions
  • Defining what constitutes a ‘goal’
  • Goal setting exercise: the principles of effective goal setting
  • Overview of Key theory; Locke and Latham
  • The well formed outcome model (NLP)
  • Visualisation techniques
  • Force Field analysis
  • Company quality standards: review of action plans
  • Set task to be completed by day 2

Overview of day 2 (Separated by 1-2 weeks to allow for practice/completion of task)

  • Review of practice – using mind mapping
  • Challenges to action planning – reflection on practice
  • Solution Focused action planning
  • Motivational action planning
  • Review of action plans – how to reflect career management strengths and needs

Delegate Evaluations 2014

Great two days – enjoyable and informative, particularly the ideas about goals that stretch in order to motivate. NCS adviser, economic solutions

I found the evaluations of action plans really useful – how to reflect career management strengths and needs. This is more meaningful for the customer than just recording their current situation. NCS adviser, economic solutions

Our customers can find goal setting difficult as they are in custody. These methods make sense and should make it more interesting. NCS adviser, economic solutions