Online Card Sort – Liane Hambly Associates with ULMS Employability Team

These twenty four competencies are the personal resources (life skills and mind-set) that will support you to navigate your future – to make the best decisions for you, to manage challenges that come your way and maximise your chances of success. You can go straight for the full version (all 24 cards) or take your time, working through the three levels. Remember to take a ‘screenshot’ for your records!

Full Version: All 24 Cards


Click and drag each card to the relevant box – is this a strength of yours (you have it most or all or the time)? Something that needs developing (you might have it now and then but not often, or at all)? If you’re unsure, just pop the card in the unsure box.

The blue arrow in the top right hand corner will open and close full screen mode. Click Start Over to begin again, followed by Start Over Again.

If you accidentally click Start Over before starting the task, you will need to Refresh the page to begin again. When you finish, why not take a screen shot of your results to keep as a record.

Level 1: (11 Cards)

These eleven cards are a good place to start and encourage exploring yourself and the range of opportunities available. They’re the foundations of effective career management.

Level 2: (11 Cards)

These eleven cards build on level 1 and reflect moving from exploration to decision making. Some of the level 1 cards are repeated in level 2 and 3 as they are so important!

Level 3: (12 Cards)

These twelve cards reflect what you’ll need as you are closer to implementing your action plan.